Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We are having a?

So we went to the Fetal Foto place last night and found out what we were going to have and it was an amazing experience. I'm so glad that we did it! Well we found out that we are having a girl! And we couldn't be more excited, this whole time Cody just kept saying he wanted a girl and his dream came true. I put a couple of pictures up of her for you guys to see!
Here they are showing that she is a girl!
Here is her cute little profile! She is a mover she kept moving all around when they were trying to get shots of her!
This is a 4 D shot of her, she looks like she is modeled out of clay look how cute she has her hands up over her ears she must have been trying to sleep and we were bothering her.

Here is another 4D photo it kind of looks like she is smiling at us, but she still has those hands up next to her ears. We are so excited for her to come into our lives but we have lots of work to do before she comes so we better get busy!


emily said...

Yea!! Exciting for you guys!! You are gonna be great parents...and now you know which kind of baby things to buy! Congrats you guys!!

emily said...

So exciting!!!! You will be a great mom. Get ready to buy all that cute girly stuff!

Grandma's Cookie Jar said...

Congratulations you three! I had guessed a girl and I'm happy that's what you want! Happy shopping and preparing! :o)

Lisa said...

We LOVE girls! How exciting you guys! You can already tell she's going to be the prettiest little thing:)
Time for me to start crocheting some girlie things I guess!

Elin Brotherson said...

YAY!! I am so glad! Her little pictures are so cute!!

W.M. said...

yes... i was thinking it would be a girl last night. oh how cute she will be I can't wait...

Kirsten and Steve said...

yeah for you guys! I am excited to have little girls so close to the same age!!! Your ultrasound pictures turned out awesome! We can't wait for LULU! :)

Angie said...

YAAAAYYYYY! We are so excited for you guys!!! And girls are so much fun! You will be such wonderful parents... We can't wait to see her!

Nicki said...

Yay for girls!! Lulu Campbell, right? I love it! :) Have soooo much fun buying all the cute girl stuff!

*julie* said...

Hmm, just a little jealous ;)
But still so exciting!
I suspect Cody wants a girl because he hopes she'll look exactly like you - Bee-u-ta-full!

Marne said...

WHOO WHOO!! Congrats! I'm so exciting. I love how many of our friends are having girls this summer. It makes me want to get them all together!

Brooke and Mike said...

YA! I am so excited that you blogged about baby girl. I have been screening your blog for weeks, waiting for the big news : ) hehehe We are SO excited for you guys!!!

Angie said...

Fun! Congrats!