Our stay in Calcutta has come to an end and on our last night there we went out to dinner at the mall, this was our ride there a bike rickshaw. Once Cody, Olivia and I got into our seats we realized how small the man was, taking us on our ride. He was tiny, both Cody and I felt bad for him, having to take us to our destination and only charging 15 rupees which is only like 20 cents. We decided to give him a big tip for all his hard work.
As we were saying goodbye it was really late and way past Lulu's bedtime and I had never seen her act like this before but she was like a little angry cat squealing and pulling at little mans shirt and pulling hair. It was so interesting, poor little man was terrified of Lulu and I didn't blame him. I'm sure she left a great last impression on him.
The Himalayas
The first thing we did when we arrived was went and saw a neat little town. We had to cross the Ganges river and to cross you either could walk across a bridge or take this little boat. Lulu was sleeping so we left her in her car seat and carried her around in that so instead of walking across the bridge we decided to take the little boat. On the boat we met this lady and her little baby. She asked Cody if he would take a photo with our camera of the three of us. I thought that was funny for her to ask us to take a picture of her with our camera. She also had a few kids with her and they wanted their photo taken as well. They were very happy children!
I love how the cow is just chilling on the bridge, Cody said that he didn't blame the cow it was a nice place to rest because of the nice breeze you felt.
Once we got on the other side of the bridge along the street to get back to our car was little shops and people out selling things. We saw these monkeys hanging out and Cody wanted to get a picture taken by them while holding Lulu but as we went up to get a picture one of the monkeys had reached down and snatched up a little tin bowl that had some nuts in it and took off ,as the monkey was reaching for the tin the man trying to sell them ran after the monkey! Bad Monkey! We just walked a few feet down the street and we saw the monkeys, so we were able to get our picture with the monkeys!
Once we got back to our car we took a drive to the jungle where we were able to ride a elephant, Cody really wanted me and Lulu to ride an elephant. We almost didn't get to ride one because they said that they don't let people ride elephants anymore I'm not sure way that is. But these men where trying to get us to go for a jungle safari but we didn't want to do that all we wanted to do was ride an elephant, so after us telling this man no about four times on the jungle safari ride he finally said "you want to ride an elephant come with me" So we followed him and we were able to ride an elephant. We also got to meet these cute kids, they were so funny they came up and each one of them shook my hand and then they asked me if we were friends, I told them of course and then after that the whole time we were there they followed me around and giggled it was so cute.
Don't mind me I look a little special and this was the best picture out of all of them that Cody took. Don't worry I'm bigger than the man in charge, he was just a tiny man! It was pretty amazing to be able to ride a elephant. Thanks Cody for making it happen!
This is a great picture of the four of them with the elephants trunk in the air like that. And I love how little Lulu is just chilling up there. She sure was a trooper on this trip! Look how happy Cody looks!
The three of us with the elephant while he cooled off! That is like the third picture that my eyes are closed or almost closed!
I can't remember the name of this place but this place was packed full of people and we were waiting to see a religious prayer to be done. I couldn't believe how many people were there they were everywhere!
People would buy these leaf boats filled with flowers and this man would say a pray over you and the boat and then when he was done blessing it then they would light it on fire and you would send it down the river. Here Cody and Lulu are getting ready to send there boat off!
Lulu giving her dad a kiss, it was the cutest thing ever!
There were people swimming at the bottom of the falls and this is what the women would wear to go swimming in. Pants and a long sleeve shirt. We thought that was pretty crazy, I'm pretty sure I would drowned if I had to wear that to swim. Even if the pool was only three feet deep!
After the falls we went to our hotel and checked in here we are getting ready to go swimming for Lulu's first time. Look how excited she is, this is the view we had from our hotel it was pretty amazing!
Lulu wasn't to sure about swimming, she sure loves her bath time but the swimming pool was so crazy to her. Her eyes were so wide the whole time we were in the pool and she was holding on to Cody and me so tight. She was having a hard time understanding what we were doing. It was pretty funny!
Here we are at the airport saying our goodbyes! Thanks Cody for taking such good care of us while we were in India!
Since we have been home Lulu has been trying some new foods, she tried a strawberry for the first time and loved it. But she wasn't sure what to do once she got a chunk so we had to pull it out but she loved the juice!
Next she tried a banana and her face says it all, I love her face, I don't think she really liked it but we will try it again and see what she thinks of it after another try.
Here she is trying to figure out what it is and if she should put it in her mouth or not!
I got Lulu a new rash guard and shorts the other day and they are super cute but the shorts are to big, falling off her bum and the neck hole was way to small I felt like her little head was going to pop off with her shirt, so even though it is super cute I think I'm going to have to take it back and hope to find another one somewhere else.
Here she is in her new swimsuit, I love her little toothy smile in both pictures she has been doing this alot latley, since she got her two little teeth.
Over the weekend my sister Angie and her family came to my parents house and one morning Lulu was hanging our with her cousin Kelsie and lulu was talking away to her and Kelsie kept saying to Lulu "Lulu you crack me up" and then she would start to laugh. Lulu thought that Kelsie was pretty funny! It was so cute to watch the two of them!
Our trip home wasn't as easy as our trip over to India. First our flight was at 1:50 in the morning and then it was delayed 5 hours, so we had to sleep on the floor at the airport which was so groddie but I was so tired I didn't care.
Since we took off so late from Delhi the whole flight I was freaking out that we weren't going to make our connecting flight from Amsterdam to Portland so that didn't help things!
Then we got on the plane and started our journey shortly after we took off Lulu throw up all over me and herself, Luckily for her I had extra clothes but not so lucky for me I had no extra clothes.
Then once I got her all changed she went poops and got it all over her clothes so I had to do another change.
During most of the flight I felt sick to my stomach at one point I felt like something was going to come up. So I jumped up out of my seat with Lulu in my arms and ran to the bathroom as soon as I saw the toilet I lost it. Poor Lulu was crying in my arms which I don't blame her I would have been to if I had to be right there in the middle of the action. Well since I had Lulu in my arms I didn't have the best aim and ended up getting it everywhere even on my pants to add along with Lulu's.
This time around I wasn't as lucky to have Lulu's car seat with me so instead of laying her in the car seat to sleep I just laid her on the empty seat next to me. But every time the seat belt light went on I had to have my seat belt on and Lulu had to have hers on. So on this flight they give each parent that is traveling with a baby a little seat belt that attaches to yours so that your baby has a seat belt while sitting on your lap. So Lulu would be sleeping so soundly and every time that light would come on a flight attended would come around to make sure I had Lulu in her seat belt. which meant I had to wake her up. That got old very fast. And it seemed like that light came on a lot. So neither one of us got very much sleep.
No worries we made our connecting flight just barley.
20 hours of flying time later I was the happiest girl to finally make it to our destination!