Jaron Scott Kenner graduated from preschool today. He was so excited he talked about it all week long. Angie wanted Jaron to look handsome for his graduation so she dressed him in a green and white button up shirt (he looked very handsome). But Jaron didn't want to wear his nice shirt he just wanted to wear a t-shirt. Angie said he could take it off after they took pictures at his school, so he asked if we could take the pictures right at that moment so he could take his shirt off. He is a smart boy. Well he did great he received his little diploma and he smiled for the pictures.
6 days ago
Tom mentioned something about Cody the other day, so I searched to see if you all had a blog! I'm so glad you do.. You guys are so CUTE!
We will be in Utah in August so we'll have to get together. Hope to see you then!
-Angie & Tom Wilson
Hey! I love all the pictures and it looks like you guys have been having fun! Why am I not surprised that Cody thought it was fun to get in the freezing cold water! Love you guys!
Hello!! You are so good at this blogging stuff! It looks like you guys have had a great trip. We can't wait to see you soon, only a month away. Cody, you are crazy, and don't get too comfy with the baby sling..... You just might have one of your own someday! (hopefully soon)
Loves, Yeller
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