Saturday, November 19, 2011

1 Year and 14 Weeks Old!

This week has been a little less exciting as last week but Lulu was her usual silly self. On Sunday my sister Serena was looking at the ad's from the paper and Lulu thought that looked fun so she went over and started to do the same thing that Serena was doing it was pretty cute. But then she got tired of sitting in one place so she decided to get up and walk around the house while reading the paper. So here is a picture of her in action.

Every time we do laundry Lulu loves to sit in the basket and play and she even likes to be pushed around in it by her cousins. I even caught her tipping over the basket full of clothes once so she could either push it around herself or to be pushed in it. Kelsie loves to push Lulu around, here the two silly girls are.
The other night we went to Costco with my parents and while we were there my dad was checking out the tires and he took Lulu with him to look. Here she is hanging out in the tires. When I was a kid I remember my dad always taken me over to the tires to smell them, I loved it I thought we were so cool.

I love this picture of Lulu looking up at me with those blue eyes!

Lulu is another week older and this week she has a cold so she doesn't look like she feels very well. I sure hope this cold goes away very soon!

Just relaxing!So a couple post back I wrote how Lulu has found her nose and loves to stick her nose up there and I didn't know what to do to get her to stop. Well the other day my mom saw her sticking her finger up her nose and my mom taught her something different to do with that finger. She showed her how to put her finger over her mouth and say "shhhhhhhh", it is so cute and I need to get a picture of her doing it. So every once in a while I will hear "shhhhhh" and I will look over at Lulu and sure enough she has her little finger right next to her mouth saying "shhhhh". I sure love that girl.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Adorable! I love the picture of her in the laundry basket with gloves on! And that's so cute about her saying 'shhh.' That's a great idea! Liv is always sticking her finger up her nose these days.