This week has been a fun week. On Sunday we were over at Cody's cousin Brian's house. They have a little boy named Dylan that is 6 months old and he is so cute. Well him and Lulu are about the same size so while Lindsay and I were in Dylan's room changing the babies bums, Lindsay thought it would be funny to switch the two little ones clothes and then take them into the boys and hand them off to see how long it would take for them to notice that they weren't holding their baby. We only fooled them for like half a second but Lindsay and I sure got a kick out of these two cute babies in each others outfits. (right before this picture was taken Lulu hit her head on a chair so she has cry eyes).
Can you guess which baby is who?
After we did the slide we went out to dinner with Cody's parents to Ruth's Chris it was fantastic. Thanks Cody and Thanks Dan and Peggy it was yummy and lots of fun and thanks for watching our little Lulu for us!
Lulu loves to sit in her Bumbo and watch TV, read books, and play. It is pretty funny to watch her climb in and climb out of it over and over again!
On Friday night Cody surprised me once again by taken me out to eat and having my Salt Lake friends their. They gave me this bag full of fun things that I had to wear to show everyone that I was turning the big 3o. Thanks guys it was lots of fun!
Lulu got a balloon and she wanted to wear the 30 glasses too. I love her hair in this picture.
Lulu doesn't look to sure about being in the picture with me!
Cody caught his shrimp and was pretty excited about it!
All of us after dinner! Dinner was super yummy!
After dinner we went outside to eat yummy cupcakes that Jess made! Thanks guys for such a wonderful night! I look a little special in this picture but I guess that's what happens when you turn 30. just kidding
On Saturday was the day that I turned the big 3 o. Cody did a great job he started the day out with making me breakfast which was English muffins, raspberries, yogurt and some orange mango juice. It was pretty wonderful! And of course he made me wear my party gear. Later in the afternoon Cody threw me a surprise birthday party it did a great job. He had called all of our family and friends in the area and had them come to the park a little before I got there to surprise me. He had lunch for everyone and then we did a pinata which was a pony it was lots of fun to break, I went first.
All the kids had a turn then Cody and some of the adults had a turn. It was lots of fun watching everyone take a turn at hitting the Pony!
Little Dylan even had a turn at it.
Then we had cake. Can you read what it says, Cody is so funny!
I was working up so good air in my lungs when I accidentally blew out some candles while they were still singing to me. Oops!
Here we come!
After the fantastic party we went home and rested for a little while and then we got ready to go out to eat at Outback. It was a perfect way to end a wonderful birthday. Thanks Cody for all the birthday fun you are the best husband ever!

Here Cody, Lulu and Mckenna are going down the slide.
Thanks Cody for the wonderful party it was lots of fun and a big surprise!
After dinner we went home and I opened my presents from Cody and Lulu! I got a new frying pan and a new flat screen TV. Thanks Cody and Lulu I love guys thanks for making turning 3o not so bad!
This girl is another week older!
This week this little girl found her nose, and she loves to put her little fingers in those two little holes. I don't know what to do to get her to stop, when I tell her not to do that she gets mad and does it more and more so I'm trying just to ignore it but I don't know if that is a good idea because then she thinks it is OK and does it all the time. If you mom's have any suggestions I would love to hear them. I think nose picking is so yucky!